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Principales especies de polinizadores ibéricos


Osmia (Hemiosmia) iberica van der Zanden, 1987

EspecieOsmia (Hemiosmia) iberica
Autorvan der Zanden, 1987
Imágenes de Osmia (Hemiosmia) iberica:

Otras especies del género
  • ASENSIO, M. 1984. Osmia (Osmia) cornuta Ltr. pollinisateur potentiel des arbres fruitiers en Espagne (Hymenoptera, Megachilidae). V e Symposium International sur la Pollinisation, Versailles: 461-465.
  • BOSCH J. & KEMP, W.P. 2002. Developing and establishing bee species as crop pollinators: the example of Osmia spp. (Hymenoptera: Megachilidae) and fruit trees. Bulletin of Entomological Research, 92: 3-16.
  • BOSCH, J. 1992. Parasitism in wild and managed populations of the almond pollinator Osmia cornuta (Latr.) (Hymenoptera, Megachilidae). Journal of Apicultural Research, 31: 77-82.
  • BOSCH, J. 1994a. Improvement of field management of Osmia cornuta (Latreille) (Hymenoptera, Megachilidae) to pollinate almond. Apidologie, 25: 71-83.
  • BOSCH, J. 1994a. Osmia cornuta (Latr.) (Hymenoptera, Megachilidae) as a potential pollinator in almond orchards: releasing methods and nest-hole length. Journal of Applied. Entomology, 117: 151-157.
  • BOSCH, J. 1994b. The nesting behaviour of the mason bee Osmia cornuta (Latr.) with special reference to its pollinating potential. (Hymenoptera, Megachilidae). Apidologie, 25: 84-93.
  • BOSCH, J. 1995. Comparison of nesting materials for the orchard pollinator Osmia cornuta (Hymenoptera: Megachilidae). Entomology Genetics, 19: 285-289.
  • BOSCH, J. & BLAS, M. 1994a. Effect of over-wintering and incubation temperatures on adult emergence in Osmia cornuta Latr. (Hymenoptera, Megachilidae). Apidologie, 25: 265-277.
  • BOSCH, J. & BLAS, M. 1994b. Foraging behaviour and pollination efficiency of Osmia cornuta Ltr. and Apis mellifera L. on almond (Hymenoptera, Megachilidae and Apidae). Applied Entomology and Zoology, 28, 29: 1-9.
  • BOSCH, J. & KEMP, W.P. 2000b. Development and emergence of the orchard pollinator, Osmia lignaria (Hymenoptera: Megachilidae). Environment Entomology, 29: 8-13.
  • BOSCH, J. & KEMP, W.P. 2003. Effect of wintering duration and temperature on survival and emergence time in males of the orchard pollinator Osmia lignaria (Hymenoptera: Megachilidae). Environment Entomology, 32: 711-716.
  • BOSCH, J. & KEMP, W.P. 2004. Effect of pre-wintering and wintering temperature regimes on weight loss, survival, and emergence time in the mason bee Osmia cornuta (Hymenoptera: Megachilidae). Apidologie, 35: 469-479.
  • BOSCH, J. & VICENS, N. 2005. Sex allocation in the solitary bee Osmia cornuta: do females behave in agreement with Fisher's theory? Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 59 (1): 124-132.
  • BOSCH, J. & VICENS, N. 2007. Relationship between body size, provisioning rate, longevity and reproductive success in females of the solitary bee Osmia cornuta. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 60: 26-33.
  • BOSCH, J., KEMP, W.P. & PETERSON, S.S. 2000. Management of Osmia lignaria (Hymenoptera: Megachilidae) populations for almond pollination: Methods to advance bee emergence. Environment Entomology, 29: 874-883.
  • BOSCH, J., LACASA, A. & BLAS, M. 1992. Osmia cornuta (Hymenoptera, Megachilidae), un nuevo polinizador para los almendros. Fruticultura Profesional, 44: 65-71.
  • BOSCH, J., MAETA, Y. & RUST, R.W. 2001. A phylogenetic analysis of nesting behavior in the genus Osmia (Hymenoptera: Megachilidae). Annals of Entomological Society of America, 94: 617-627.
  • HAESLELER, V. 2008.
  • 1994. Pollens collected by wild and managed populations of the potential orchard pollinator Osmia cornuta (Latr.) (Hymenoptera, Megachilidae). Journal of Applied Entomology, 117: 353-359.
  • 2004.
  • PITTS-SINGER, T.L., BOSCH, J., KEMP, W.P. & TROSTLE, G.E. 2008. Field use of an incubation box for improved emergence timing of Osmia lignaria populations used for orchard pollination. Apidologie, 39: 235-246.
  • 1994. An ultrastructural study of pollen grains consumed by larvae of Osmia bees (Hymenoptera, Megachilidae). Grana, 33: 191-203.
  • TORRES, F., MAZA, C.G. & GAYUBO, S.F. 2003. Description of mature larva of Osmia (Helicosmia) fulviventris (Hymenoptera: Megachilidae). Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society, 76: 277-281.
  • VICENS, N. 1991.
  • VICENS, N. & BOSCH, J. 2000b.
  • VICENS, N. & BOSCH, J. 2000c. Weather-dependent pollinator activity in an apple orchard, with special reference to Osmia cornuta and Apis mellifera (Hymenoptera: Megachilidae and Apidae). Environmental Entomology, 29: 413-420.
  • VICENS, N., BOSCH, J. 2000a. Nest site orientation and relocation of populations of the orchard pollinator Osmia cornuta (Hymenoptera: Megachilidae). Environmental Entomology, 29: 69-75.
  • VICENS, N., BOSCH, J. & BLAS, M. 1993a.
  • VICENS, N., BOSCH, J. & BLAS, M. 1993b. Biology and population structure of Osmia tricornis Latreille (Hymenoptera, Megachilidae). Journal of Applied Entomology, 117: 300-306.
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